Whether the dynamo operates globally (rather than in limited regions) would depend on whether the star's rate of rotation was comparable to its rate of convection.
是否能让整个星体成为一部发电机(而非在小块区域内各自产生发电机作用),端看这颗星球的自转速率是否和其对流速率相当。 |
Whether the elections actually come to pass depends mainly on two men: the Rev Ian Paisley, hardline leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), and Mr Blair himself.
选举是否通过主要取决于两个人:民主统一党的强硬领导人伊恩?佩斯利牧师和英国首相布莱尔。 |
Whether the end comes in some climactic gurgle or more likely ,in a succession of dizzyinglydestabilizing shortages ,temporary sluts ,and deeper shortages ,the oil epoch is ending.
最后一滴石油是否会在某种高潮下嘎然而止,或者还可能是在一系列令人头昏目眩匮乏摇摆之中,暂时过剩,而后又是更严重不足,但不管怎样,石油时代正在逐渐地结束。 |
Whether the fallen trees were burned or left to rot, their carbon would have soon oxidized and ended up in the atmosphere as CO2.
砍倒的树无论是遭焚烧或任其自行分解,植物的碳都会氧化、最后以二氧化碳的形式进入大气中。 |
Whether the feudal system of the Reich, where the King formally was the top of the so-called \feudal pyramid\, was a cause for or a symptom of the Empire\'s weakness, is unclear.
不论帝国的封建制度,国王在形式上总是在所谓的“封建金字塔”的顶端,这就是帝国的弱点的征兆或者原因,是不清楚的。 |
Whether the goal is donating books, running literacy classes, supplying elementary school students with dictionaries, or just helping children with their schoolwork, literacy projects bring great results with very little investment of money.
无论计画目标是捐书、开设识字班、提供字典给小学生、或只是帮助儿童写作业,识字计画都能以些微的投资达成卓越的成果。 |
Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.
政府究竟是减少对技术经费的投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把问题的哪一方面看作是驱动的力量。 |
Whether the grovernments should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.
政府是否应该增加花费在技术或相关领域的纯科学费用,通常取决于这项技术的收益,这种收益被视为趋动力. |
Whether the independent college can be oriented scientifically and precisely is related to the success of the independent college's development.
独立学院能否科学、准确地定位,关系到独立学院发展的成败。 |
Whether the life right of embryo should be protected varies in different countries.
摘要对于胚胎的生命权是否给予保护,各国法律的规定不尽相同。 |
Whether the locating datum is chosen correctly or not influences the improvement of the machining precision greatly.
摘要定位基准选择正确与否,对于提高机械加工精度有着重要影响。 |