The Evanescospell apparently doesn't need an object word (you don't have to say Evaesco Potion,for example).
“消失”咒显然不需要加上消失对象名字(例如:你不需要说“魔药消失”)。 |
The Everybody's Golfseries, known for its simple operation to experience the fun of wielding a golf club, after having its light-hearted and convenience factors enhanced, is making a fresh start on the PSP!
以简单的操作体验爽快挥杆乐趣的「全民高尔夫」,在经过大幅提升轻松性与方便性之后,于PSP全新登场! |
The Exchange Awardwill offer 5 scholarships of HK$20,000 each to outstanding students to join exchange programmes in the Academic Year 2007-08.
此项奖学金将提供五个各二万元的奖学金给表现优异的商管生,资助他们参加于2007-08年度举办的学生交流计划,加强学术及文化交流,增进知识。 |
The Extrude along pathtechnique is a very powerful modelling tool. It consists of creating a surface by sweeping a given profile along a given path.
路径挤压’技术是一个非常强大的建模工具。它通过由给定的轮廓线沿着指定的路径伸展,就能创建一个面。 |
The Financial Timesquotes World Bank advisers and Chinese officials as saying China's State Environmental Protection Agency and health ministry asked the World Bank to delete the information from a draft of the report last year because it was too sensitiv
金融时报引用世界银行顾问和中国官员的话说,中国国家环保总局和卫生部官员去年要求世界银行删除报告草案中的这些内容,因为这种信息过于敏感,有可能导致社会不稳定。 |
The Fugui Hongis made of precious materials by means of elaborate techniques; the unpriced metal tantalum also is added for manufacturing this ceramic.
“富贵红”用材金贵、工艺精贵,在红釉中加了比黄金还贵的金属钽。 |
The Garden Statestill manages to produce two-thirds of the world's eggplants.
而这个「花园之州」的茄子供应量仍然占全世界三分之二。 |
The Girl from Ipanemamay soon have to cover up, at least if she wants to appear on a postcard in Rio de Janeiro.
「伊帕内玛女郎」可能很快就得穿上衣服,至少如果她想要出现在里约热内卢的明信片上就得这麽做。 |
The Goldexhibition is on display in New York at the American Museum of Natural History near Central Park West through February 2008.
到2008年2月为止,黄金展都会在纽约离中心公园西侧不远的美国自然历史博物馆中展出。 |
The Great Mantheory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that the history of the world is but the biography of great men.He believed that it is the few, the powerful and the famous who shape our collective
“英雄史观”的代表人物是苏格兰哲学家托马斯·卡莱尔,他声称,“历史只不过是精英们的创业史”,治世明君或乱世奸雄主宰着族群的命运。 |
The Harmonious Worldthoughts lay advance from the strategy of peaceful rise to the pursuit of harmony, and from the construction of a harmonious society to the calls for a harmonious world, which fully embodies the characteristic of Marxist theory of keep
从和平崛起战略的提出到追求和谐的愿景,从和谐社会的建设到和谐世界的吁求,和谐世界思想层层推进,充分体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品格。 |