Even poetry reading of a poem by Li Bai drunken scene depicts most tellingly, lady!
更将诗仙李白醉酒吟诗的情景刻画得淋漓尽致,惟妙惟肖! |
Even poor consumers will pay a dollar or so apiece.
甚至比较穷的消费者都会支付一美圆或者每人支付一美圆。 |
Even positive images of the Prophet Muhammad are not allowed to prevent idolatry in the religion.
甚至对先知默罕默德正面的描绘也是禁止的,是为了保持其在在宗教的偶像地位。 |
Even preschoolers weren't immune to the inverse power of praise.
在研究中,女孩子比男孩子的打击更大,当她觉得自己没有那麽聪明的时候。 |
Even professionals in the refinishing and detailing industry can make mistakes if they don't keep up on evolving technologies in surface coatings and car care products.
专业的抛光和护理行业的产品也有犯错误的时候,如果你跟不上现在的正在发展的技术的话。 |
Even provinces such as Suzhou, Yangzhou and Chuzhou where courtesan pavilions and drinking houses were in great abundance were subject to the curfew, so there were no night markets.
士人狎妓饮宴,只限坊内;不论苏州、扬州、楚州,皆为歌楼酒肆极盛之地,亦施宵禁,并无夜市。 |
Even reckoning makes long friends.
彼此无赊帐,友谊得长久。 |
Even remembering Chinese words is hard.
哪怕是记忆中文单词也难。 |
Even saying these things, with difficulty they restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.
徒14:18二人说了这些话、仅仅的拦住众人不献祭与他们。 |
Even school children know this.
就是小学生也知道这一点。 |
Even scoff they must get out of debt owing in their earlier generation.
更可以轻谑的认为他们如今所为必定是上辈子欠下的债孽! |