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21 days prior to departure : full deposit.

21 The plane will be made a short re-refuelling stop of about 45 minutes here. 飞机将会在这儿重新供给燃油做45分钟的停留。
21 Wang ZH, Cai YL, Lu SJ. Auxiliary therapeutic effect of Corbrin capsule for cancer patients accepted radiotherapy. Zhonghua Yi Yao Za Zhi. 2003; 3(8):681682. Chinese with abstract in English. 王中和,蔡以理,陆顺娟。百令胶囊对恶性肿瘤放疗患者的辅助疗效观察。中华医药杂志。2003;3(8):681682.
21 We look forward to your settlement at an early date. 我方期待贵方能尽早解决这一问题。
21 When Enoch had lived sixty-five years, he became the father of Methuselah. 21以诺活到六十五岁,生了玛土撒拉.
21 a student holding a student pass must maintain at least 90% attendance(excluding certified medical leave, approved leave school holidays),as required by the immigration and checkpoints authority, Usa. if a student can not maintain the attendance requir 根据美国移民厅要求,学生签证持有人需保证至少90%的出勤率(不包括病假、事假、学校假期),如学生不能保证出勤率,学院有权开除学生。
21 days prior to departure : full deposit. 出发前21天:扣除全部订金。
21 percent of adults 20–59 years old hae tried cocaine or street drugs at some time in their life. 在20-59岁的成年人中,21%承认一生中某个时期曾吸食过可卡因或在街头买过毒品。
21 st century is the epoch full of talents. 21世纪,人才浪潮狂涌的时代。
21I wouldn't know,I told him. “我不清楚,”我对他说。
21Subcontractor's Equipmentmeans all tools, apparatus, machinery, vehicles, facilities and other things required for the execution of the Subcontract Works but does not include Materials or Plant. 分包商的设备指分包工程施工所需的所有工具,设备,机械,车辆,设施和其它物品,但不包括材料或成套设备。
210 Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. 大多数人找工作是基于实用性的考虑:经济需求、较易找到工作,希望拿到的薪水。

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