Some plants have poisonous berries.
有一些植物生有毒的浆果。 |
Some plants neither root nor leaf.
有些植物既无根又无叶。 |
Some plants only bear fruit once every 25 years.
有些植物每25年才结一次果。 |
Some plants process steel for use in construction and manufacturing, while others turn any iron ore they can get hold of into rudimentary forms of steel bars.
一些钢铁厂生产用于建筑业和制造业的钢材,而其它厂则把它们通过各种方式得到的铁矿石加工成初级的钢条。 |
Some plants push their roots deep into the soil.
一些植物的根深深长入土中。 |
Some plants will not grow on chalk.
有些植物在白垩上不能生长。 |
Some plastic parts of Coaster medium-size passenger car are localized in our company in 2007.
2007年,柯斯达客车部份塑料件在我公司国产化。 |
Some players are better at defending.
有些运动员较擅长打防卫。 |
Some players change or rewrite requirements.
有些成员改变或重写了需求。 |
Some players could even collapse.
某些公司甚至可能破产。 |
Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end.
有些剧目十分成功,以致连续上演好几年。 |