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Selma: In a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens.

Selling the top-grade fashion tableware, tea set throughout the year, all kinds of ceramic wares. The products are won the international similar products exposition gold medal many times. 常年经销高档时尚餐具、茶具,各类陶瓷器皿。产品多次荣获国际同类产品博览会金奖。
Selling your house can be a costly and time-consuming business. 卖掉你的房子会是很昂贵耗时的事。
Selling, transferring, or diverting to other uses, any donated goods inside the country that are imported with tax reductions and exemptions, without obtaining the authorization of the customs office and without paying in full the payable taxes. (四)未经海关许可并且未补缴应缴税额,擅自将减税、免税进口的捐赠物资在境内销售、转让或者移作他用的。
Sells the possible calcination to strengthen human's consciousness, makes the sale, is a good deed, hoped you succeed. 销售可以煅练一个人,做销售,是一种好途径,希望你成功。
Selma: I listen to my heart. 塞尔玛:我在倾听我的心扉。
Selma: In a musical, nothing dreadful ever happens. 塞尔玛:在一个音乐剧中,不会发生任何可怕的事情。
Selt-trust is the essence of heroism. 自信是英雄的本色。
Semantic opacity covers such issues as ambiguity,vagueness and generality. 语义不明确包括多义(歧义)、模糊与概括(笼统)。
Semantic opacity in Japanese mainly results from the use of semantically vague,polysemic,and general lexis. 日语中主要使用语义模糊词语、多义词和语义概括(笼统)词语等来表达不明确的语义。
Semantic-phonetic composition is one way of word building in Chinese, but Chinese is not a phonetic language. 摘要形声是汉字的一种造字法,但汉字并不因此以表音见长。
Semantics: examines how meaning is encoded in a language. 语义学:考察的是意义如何在语言中编码。

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