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The self is indeed blessed, and just the reminder of that fact can often short-circuit negative beliefs, particularly if they are not too deep-seated.

The script for Personnel was more or less like the finished film, plus all sorts of things which happened on the way, of course. 「《人员》的剧本,跟最后完成的电影作品大致相若,不过电影里有很多拍摄时发生的突发事情,动作很松散,很自由。」
The sea has come up over Babylon; She has been engulfed with its tumultuous waves. 耶51:42海水涨起、漫过巴比伦.他被许多海浪遮盖。
The sea hasn't been this calm for a long time. A good omen, I think,she said to him. “大海很久没这么平静了。这是个好兆头,我觉得。”她对他说。
The season is long, you never know what happens. Maybe we will wait until near the end of the season, maybe we will act a bit earlier. 赛季很长,你永远不会知道以后会发生什么。也许我们会等到这个赛季的结束再作出决定,也许会更早。
The secretary of defense must be a man of vision who can see threats still over the horizon and prepare our nation to meet them. 布什说,“国防部长必须是一个有先见之明的人,当威胁还处于萌芽状态的时候他就能够发现,并让国家做好应付威胁的准备。
The self is indeed blessed, and just the reminder of that fact can often short-circuit negative beliefs, particularly if they are not too deep-seated. “自我确实是有福的,并且只要想及这一事实就可以经常令消极的信念短路,尤其当它们还未深植于心时。”
The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive. “当自我肉身上活着时,他是多次元的。
The selloff demonstrates somewhat starkly the inter-connectedness of stock markets around the world,said Hugh Johnson, chief strategist at ThomasLloyd Global Asset Management. 托马斯劳埃德全球资产管理公司的战略顾问休•詹森说:“股票交易显示全球股票市场很有几分相互关联性。”
The semantic caseis a hot problem studying currently, how many semantic cases in one kind of language is very difficult to ascertain. 摘要“语义格”是当前研究的一个热点问题,一种语言究竟应划分为多少格很难确定。
The seven good cows are seven years; and the seven good ears are seven years; the dreams are one and the same. 创41:26七只好母牛是七年.七个好穗子也是七年.这梦乃是一个。
The seven lean and ugly cows that came up after them are seven years, and the seven thin ears scorched by the east wind will be seven years of famine. 创41:27那随后上来的七只又乾瘦、又丑陋的母牛是七年、那七个虚空被东风吹焦的穗子也是七年.都是七个荒年。

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