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Although I came from a very different cultural background, it seemed to me that the procedure of dating was not that much variant – you went out to meet a man, usually got bored in the first ten or twenty minutes, and left without further contact.

Although I am living in a noisy city, I desire a green forest. Although I am living in a narrow world, I do desire a deep sea. 虽然我身处于喧闹的城市,但我渴望一片绿林。虽然我住在拥挤的世界,但我渴望一片深海。
Although I am not a a cadre, I help the classmates clean our classroom ..When they have questions.. I always help them. 我还把我的书放在读书角,与同学们一起在书的海洋中尽情地遨游。
Although I am only now becoming familiar with your work, I must commend the vastness of your approach to fulfilling the needs of those around you. 尽管我刚刚熟悉你的工作,但我还是要赞美你,因为你满足了你周围人那么多的需求。
Although I am tired, I must go on working. 我虽然累了,但必须继续干。
Although I broke up with you,I still hope to give a chance to our love from the bottom of my heart. 虽然是我提出分手,但内心深处还是希望给我们的爱一次机会。
Although I came from a very different cultural background, it seemed to me that the procedure of dating was not that much variant – you went out to meet a man, usually got bored in the first ten or twenty minutes, and left without further contact. 虽然我来自完全不同地文化背景,但是约会地程序看上去却并没有多少区别——到外面去见人,往往是头十分二十分钟就觉得无趣,没留下任何联络信息就告别了。
Although I can't be around for christmas, I really like the yuletide feel all around. 虽然我不能过圣诞节,但我真的很喜欢被圣诞季节气氛围绕的感觉。
Although I chose challenging courses, I was used to coasting toward As. 虽然我选择了挑战性的科目,我还是习惯于向A的学分而努力。
Although I could no say that everything is perfect there,I still very much appreciate what the company has given me,especial many chances. 虽然我不能说它尽善尽美,但我仍然非常感谢它给了我很多,尤其是许多的机会。
Although I deplore the vulgarity of your language, I defend your right to express yourself freely. 虽然我对你粗俗的言语深表遗憾,但是我维护你说话的权利。
Although I didn't make an effort to learn Chinese, I knew if I wanted to be a lyracist or composer I needed to know Chinese as well. 答:我学习中文并不努力,但我知道如果我想成为词作者我必须懂中文。

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