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These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries.

These days, frog's focus is not just on design and engineering, but on the entire business cycle, including strategy, branding, conceptualization, design, partnering, manufacturing, and retail distribution. 如今,青蛙的注意力不在于仅仅进行设计和策划,还在于整个商业环节,包括战略、品牌运作、概念、设计、伙伴合作、制造和零售分销。
These days, he is a publisher “trying to educate people how to manage their wealth. 如今他是一位出版商,“正在试图教人们怎样理财。”
These days, however, “futures” is a more fitting description. 然而这些天“期货”有一个更加贴切的描述。
These days, if they were estate agents they would not only suggest a suitable property to buy and offer to handle the transaction but also propose a loan, come up with sophisticated products to offset the risk of rising rates, provide help with the down-p 现如今,如果他们是房地产经纪人的话,他们不但会建议购买合适的房地产并且提供操作交易,而且会建议贷款,拿出补偿利率上调风险的改进产品,提供预付定金的帮助,把古怪的保险产品卖给你,而且只要认为某个房产物有所值,他们会从你们眼皮子底下把它买走。
These days, if you went looking, you could often find Don in a local pub having a pint or two of beer. 这些天,要是你出去走走,经常会看到唐正在当地的一个酒吧喝着一、两杯啤酒。
These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries. 当前,是各国管理条例上的差异,而不是关税阻碍了发达国家之间的贸易。
These days, it is pass or perish, so you know you have got to do well. 现在,不是通过,就是完蛋,所以你知道你一定得考好。
These days, it is tempting to argue that America is becoming a monarchy in the guise of a republic. 如今,宣扬美国正成为共和国家虚饰下的君主政体,这令人关注。
These days, legibility research tends to be limited to critical issues, or the testing of specific design solutions (for example, when new typefaces are developed). 现今的易读性研究基本上仅限于某些关键性事务,或是某些特定设计方案的测试(如开发某种新字型时)。
These days, most people not only own a computer, but they also own a PDA. 近来,大多数人不仅拥有计算机,还同时拥有PDA。
These days, says Mr Markin, Yekaterinburg's highest-rollers often spend $50,000 or more in his store. 据马尔金称,如今叶卡特琳堡的大款们经常来他的店消费,而且出手阔绰,营业额时常能超过50,000美圆。

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