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There has also been a rethink of how to supervise the whole cash-transport industry.

There had been unprecedented speculation over the gender of the child, who is the first male to be born into the family for nearly 41 years. 这个孩子的性别曾引起空前揣测,他也是将近四十一年来皇室第一个出生的男婴。
There had not a vestige of the abbey remains. 修道院的遗迹已荡然无存。
There had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. 丹麦军已在切本哈姆扎下营准备过冬,阿尔弗雷便来到此地。
There happened to be a telephone booth near the bus stop. 正巧有一个电话亭在公共汽车站附近。
There has already been some tangible change on the ground with thousands of Palestinian police and security forces fanning out across the northern Gaza Strip to prevent militant attacks against Jewish settlements and nearby Israeli towns. 当数千名巴勒斯坦警察和保安部队在加沙地带北部散开,防止武装分子袭击犹太人定居点和附近的以色列城镇时,那个地区已经出现了一些实质性的变化。
There has also been a rethink of how to supervise the whole cash-transport industry. 关于如何对整个运钞业进行监督,也让人费尽心思。
There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages. 梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。
There has always been a close tie between youth and consumerism; the main contradictions in the world of young people lie in their combined power of imagination and consumerism, as well as their liveliness and cynicism. 青春与消费主义之间的关系向来密切,青春世界中的想象与消费主义的双重力量连同她\他们的生机勃勃与厌倦不堪是她\他们主要的内心冲突。
There has always been an element of theatre to the meetings of the IWC, which was set up in 1946 to regulate whaling around the world. 国际捕鲸委员会的会议一直都含有戏剧成分,它于1946年成立来管理全球的捕鲸活动。
There has always been some conflict between the sexes. 两性之间从来就有矛盾.
There has been a change in plans and we will be unable to use the en closed tickets. 由于计划有了改变,故不能使用封入信袋的这两张票。

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