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From then on,Zhe started to engorge without waiting for Wen.Heartstruck Wen became thinner,while Zhe got fatter day by day.

From then on, the fairy weaver stayed in heaven, and the cowherd stayed on earth. 从此,织女留在天上,而牛郎则待在人间。
From then on, the farmer class life became poorer and poorer, Hong xiuquan, a feudal intellectual, who wanted to over throw Qing Dynasty using Christianity, on the contrary, foreign invaders, whose belief was same as Hong; s, put down Hong's rebellion wit 洪秀全,这个农民出生的知识分子企图利用天主基督名义来号召广大农民推翻清王朝的统治,然而同样信奉基督教的西方列强,非但不给洪秀全帮助和支持,反倒和清政府联手一起镇压了太平天国起义。
From then on, the two men serve the country together with one heart. Other countries no longer dare to underrate Zhao. 从此两人同心协力为国出。别的国家再也不敢小看赵国了。
From then on, the “Gate to the Arctic” was opened. 100多年前探险家就是从这里出发深入北极的。
From then on, upgrade all technologies equally (again, other than sensors and armor). Upgrade as soon as you can. 从现在起,相等地升级所有技术(同样,除传感器和装甲之外)。尽可能地块升级。
From then on,Zhe started to engorge without waiting for Wen.Heartstruck Wen became thinner,while Zhe got fatter day by day. 此后,哲开始暴饮暴食,再不等着纹,伤心的纹日渐消瘦,哲却日渐臃肿.
From then on, nobody in that region ever dared to eat dog meat again. 从那以后,附近再也没人敢吃狗肉了。
From then on, the Wangs never had a day's peace. 从那以后,王家就再没有过一天的安生日子。
From then, I become Paul, neither the aged pontifex nor the royal member with noblest blood. 之后,我就成了保罗,但我不是古老的那个教皇,也不是血液高贵的王室。
From thence all things flow; and there is besides necessity, and that which is for the advantage of the whole universe, of which thou art a part. 天下万物莫不如此源出;此外,还有必要性,这也是为了包含你我在内的整个宇宙的利益。
From thence she seeketh the prey, and her eyes behold afar off. 29从那里窥看食物,眼睛远远观望。

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