Further, no preventative actions were submitted for future protocols and studies.
此外,没有提供对以后各个方案和研究的预防措施。 |
Further, one of these eight supplements was also contaminated with lead, which can impair brain function and may have an affect on blood pressure as well.
其中1个产品的药物成份中还含有铅元素,铅元素会损伤人的大脑,还将对血压带来不良影响。 |
Further, people with respiratory problems may have difficulty using a mask, which demands three times the lung power of normal breathing.
此外,有呼吸问题的人使用防毒面具可能会有困难,因为肺部会比正常呼吸费力三倍。 |
Further, practicing the speech out loud will help the speaker identify the strong and weak parts of the speech.
再者,大家演练讲稿也可以帮助演讲人知道演讲内容的强弱之处。 |
Further, the Church not only controlled education but also possessed the wherewithal to employ the most skillful craftsmen.
更何况,教会不只垄断教育,而且也拥有财势去雇用技术一流的巧匠。 |
Further, the changing nature of a business network might result in configuration drift.
加之,企业网络自然改变可能造成配置漂移。 |
Further, the development of new technology to improve the performance of gasoline made possible the elimination of the highly toxic tetraethyl-lead (TEL) as a component of motor fuel.
此外,新的提高汽油性能的工业技术的发展也使得把毒性很强的四乙基铅从发动机燃料中排除出去成为可能。 |
Further, the interceptor rocket could not be launched until the warhead enters the atmosphere, allowing the defense to distinguish between the heavy weapon and any light decoys accompanying it.
另外,拦截火箭必须等到弹头进入大气层之后才发射,这时防御系统才能够区分出沉重的武器以及武器周遭较轻的诱标。 |
Further, the role of modulation enters as another means of enhancing larger structural relations.
甚者,转调成为增强更大的结构关系的另一个工具。 |
Further, there are many instances in which hard of hearing people and people who communicate with sign language share common needs and thereby benefit from each other's increased visibility.
进一步地说,有很多事例表明,重听人与手语族有着共同的需求,因此,也能从相互增加的受关注程度当中得到好处。 |
Further, to avoid serialization problems, the file system is not responsible for serializing this access - the paging file belongs to the VM system, and the VM system is responsible for serializing access to this file (this eliminates some of the re-entra
进一步,为了避免串行化问题,文件系统不负责将访问串行化――页面调度文件属于虚拟内存系统,而虚拟内存系统负责把对这个文件的访问串行化(这消除了出现在常规文件访问中的重入锁定问题)。 |