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This paper proposes to reinterpret the connotation of Toyota's production fashion from the angle of the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the Toyota mode and the Japanese mode in general, so as to provide more inspiration for the study of such issues as th

This paper proposes that the traditional world economics should be refreshed and enhanced from a perspective of structuralism and asymmetry-equilibrium, with a series of relevant theoretical achievement of economics since the middle of 1980s. 文章指出,应从结构主义和非对称均衡的角度出发,结合20世纪80年代中期之后兴起一系列相关经济学理论成果,来创新的丰富传统的世界经济学研究方法。
This paper proposes the green view of city lighting planning, and points out that the energy conservation, environmental protection, economic feasibility and culture characteristic must be considered synthetically in the city green lighting planning and d 指出只有综合考虑节能环保、经济可行性和文化特色的城市绿色照明规划设计才能保证城市的可持续发展。
This paper proposes the indexes for the climatic division and suitability of tobacco growth in Yunnan according to the regional climatic characteristics: heat resource as primary index while precipitation and sunshine duration as secondary indexes. 摘要根据云南烤烟气候特点,提出了判别云南烤烟气候类型及其适宜性的指标:热量为一级指标,降水和光照为二级指标。
This paper proposes the use of steam condensate to wash the acidulation tail gas, then to be used as wash water for washing phosphogypsum, to be returned to the crystallizer, and a calculation is made of water balance in the system, so that the discharge 本文提出用蒸汽冷凝液洗涤酸解尾气,然后用于洗涤磷石膏的洗水,返回结晶槽,并对系统的水平衡进行计算,可以实现硝酸磷肥生产的废水和废气的达标排放。
This paper proposes to establish a proper tension among various ideological ferment inside the theory so as to have an overall and correct understanding of Marxist political philosophy theory. 本文主张,要完整、准确地理解马克思的政治哲学理论就必须在这一理论内部的不同思想酵素之间建立必要的张力。
This paper proposes to reinterpret the connotation of Toyota's production fashion from the angle of the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the Toyota mode and the Japanese mode in general, so as to provide more inspiration for the study of such issues as th 本文将从丰田生产方式与日本型生产方式的共通性和异质性的角度,重新剖析丰田生产方式的内涵,为研究生产方式生成及演变的机理、普遍性和特殊性、是否可以模仿,产业共性与个别企业自主努力的关系等问题提供启示。
This paper proposes various, multi-level and multi-channel measures to help establish the old-age rural security system in northern Jiangsu Province. 必须建立健全苏北地区农村养老保障体系,多种方式有机结合,多层次、多渠道地解决农民养老问题。
This paper proved that in the optimal models with stochastic variables, if the parameter estimation and the optimal solution are separated, the optimal result in practice is bound to be less than that in theory. 摘要证明了在涉及随机变量的最优化模型中,如果将参数估计和最优化求解过程分离,实际得到的最优化结果必然低于理论值,即参数估计在最优化模型中总是造成低效的结果。
This paper proves that the changes of pre-compression on the windings have effects on their natural frequencies and derives their relation, which provides the experimental and theories foundation for fault diagnosis of large-scale electric transformers. 通过对大型变压器绕组进行振动实验和根据建立的变压器绕组轴向振动数学模型的理论推导,阐明了变压器绕组预紧力的变化与其固有频率变化之间的关系,这为大型变压器的故障诊断提供了理论与实践依据。
This paper proves that the maximal left normal band ho mo morphism image of free product of left normal bands is isomorphic to the free pr oduct of those left normal bands in the left normal band category. 证明了左正规带的自由积的极大左正规带同态象同构于这些左正规带在左正规带范畴中的自由积.
This paper proves the existence and uniqueness of the local generalized solution of a nonlinear damped hyperbolic equation with the initial boundary value conditions and gives the sufficient conditions of blow-up of the solution of this problem. 摘要本文证明一具有阻尼非线性双曲型方程初边值问题局部广义解的存在性和唯一性,并给出此问题解爆破的充分条件。

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