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A series of compounds containing tetrahydropyrimidinone ring were synthesized via condensation of asparagine t -butyl ester with aromatic aldehydes and amino acid chlorides.
由苯甲醛或取代苯甲醛与天冬酰胺叔丁酯和氨基酸酰氯的环化缩合反应合成了一系列四氢嘧啶酮衍生物 ,由核磁共振测定了产物的构象和构象转化的活化自由能。

Vibration mode localization and frequency loci veering in disordered coupled beam system,such as two beams coupled with transverse and rotational springs,are studied using finite element analysis. 用有限元分析方法研究了由横向和扭转弹簧耦合的两条欧拉-伯努利梁在引入了物理参数(如杨氏模量)的不对称小失调后产生的模态局部化和频率轨迹转向现象,同时也研究了由于弹性支承的失调而产生的振动模态局部化现象。
Preparation and activity measurement of CaO/MgO catalyst for biodiesel fuel production; 用于生物柴油的钙镁催化剂的制备及其活性评价
Pure fimbriae were verified by Western-blot with monoclonal antibody (Mab) of F107. 用针对F107菌毛的单抗做免疫印迹反应,证实此条带为F107菌毛蛋白。
A study on relationship between serotypes of helicobacter pylori and hyperemesis gravidarum; 幽门螺杆菌分型与妊娠剧吐相关性研究
A study on protein content and grain weight accumulation during grain filling process in good quality winter wheat; 优质冬小麦子粒灌浆过程中蛋白质和粒重积累动态的研究
A series of compounds containing tetrahydropyrimidinone ring were synthesized via condensation of asparagine t -butyl ester with aromatic aldehydes and amino acid chlorides. 由苯甲醛或取代苯甲醛与天冬酰胺叔丁酯和氨基酸酰氯的环化缩合反应合成了一系列四氢嘧啶酮衍生物 ,由核磁共振测定了产物的构象和构象转化的活化自由能。
Study on the method for measuring the apparent viscosity of oil-coal slurry; 油煤浆表观黏度测量方法的研究
An imagery system consists with projector, concave conical mirror and convex conicai mirror and screen; the picture can be imagery distortion. 由投影机,凹锥面反射镜和凸锥面反射镜与屏幕组成成像系统,将物失真成像。
The article researches the affect deletion of N terminal amino acids of firefly luciferase on activity of the enzyme. 由于N末端缺失6个氨基酸的突变体保持了77%的酶活性,因而萤火虫荧光素酶N末端第7个氨基酸与酶的催化活性密切相关。
There are more and more the research in ES cells and stem cell therapy . 有关胚胎干细胞及干细胞疗法得到了普遍重视 ,其中 ,造血干细胞被成功应用于临床疾病治疗。
Hypotension effects after protamine administration during myocardial reperfusion period in open heart surgery; 鱼精蛋白在心肌再灌注期的低血压效应

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