Important Notice: The Organization has the authority to immediately delete, without notice, the contents of volunteer's personal webpage when any one or more of the following circumstances appear: (1) content that harasses, abuses, or threatens others; (2
重要告示:本机构可以全权决定,在下列任何情况,即时移除义工个人网页有关内容,而不需另行通知:(1)带有骚扰、侵扰或威胁性的内容;(2)带有淫亵或其他令人反感的成份;(3)带有垃圾、商业或宣传成份的内容及连结;(4)未有授权可以公开的个人、机构或公司的资料;(5)任何违反本地或国家法律的内容。 |
Important advantages are still achieved in cycle time reduction and the ability to cast near net shape castings with minimal porosity.
最大的优点仍是减少生产周期,并且能铸造出含有最少量气孔的铸件。 |
Important changes are afoot in datacenter storage technologies.
资料处理中心储存技术正在作一些非常重要的改动。 |
Important examples in human use are quinine, nicotine, atropine, opium, morphine, codeine, and strychnine.
人类广泛应用的生物碱有奎宁,烟碱,阿托品,鸦片,吗啡,可待因等。 |
Important facilities include Fuzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, a complex with a total area of 58,000 square meters.
重要会展设施包括5.8万平方米的福州国际会展中心。 |
Important farming areas have experienced dry weather for several months.
重要的农业区出现几个月干旱天气。 |
Important features of MITEX rollers include: long service life and cost efficiency; high chemical resistance; extreme high operating temperatures; best running properties at high speed; dynamic endurance; excellent wear and cut resistance; minimal hardeni
MITEX辊产品优点:在高速度下保持优异性能;使用寿命长,效率高;抗化学腐蚀;超耐高温;耐磨;最低限度的硬化和磨光;优异的涂布和转移性能;精确的电导率。 |
Important game events are announced by special notes that appear in the top menu bar.
重要的游戏事件会公布在顶部菜单栏的特殊短信中。 |
Important history includes palpitation, duration of prodrome and recovery, and presence of postural or exertional symptoms.
重要病史包括:心悸、前驱症状及恢复时间、以及体位性或劳力性症状。 |
Important information on safe and efficient operation. Read this information before using your device.
有关安全及有效使用的重要信息。请于使用设备前阅读。 |
Important note: You may want to make a note of your original resolution so you can change back after experimenting.
基于这一点,你可能会饶有兴趣地在不同的分辨率下测试页面的显示效果。 |