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Yeah, but real men actually grow them, hum?

Yeah, around five feet six inches tall. 是的,大约五英尺六英寸。
Yeah, before you tell the boss. 是啊,在你告诉老板之前。
Yeah, but Steve, you are entitled to her stockings. 史蒂夫,你有权看她的连裤袜。
Yeah, but he said, not three feet away from me and he said Dad, I swear that I'm ready for total responsibility. 是的,但是他说,就在离我三尺的地方对我说,我发誓我已经准备好担负所有责任了。
Yeah, but it is getting better and better, Teachers deserve more respectations, don't they? 是的,但是他们正在越来越好,老师值得更多的尊敬,不是吗?
Yeah, but real men actually grow them, hum? 没错,不过,是男人的都会自己长胡子,哼?
Yeah, but that shouldn't affect my credit rating right? 对呀,但这不该影响我的信贷评级,对吗?
Yeah, but this job is worth it. (是,但是这份工作值得去做。)
Yeah, but when did we schedule family values? 对,我们什么时候安排要谈家庭价值观?
Yeah, but, I mean, one dance? 是的我知道,但是,就一支?
Yeah, for sure. I'm a Gemini, and they're supposed to be really smart. 当然,我是双子座,而且双子座的人都非常聪明。

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