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This sign warns people of the dangers of swimming too far out.

This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen. 岛的这一边定居的主要是渔民。
This sidewalk is made of slabs of stone. 这一人行道是用石板铺成的。
This sign is the original workaholic. 摩羯:摩羯座是天生的工作狂。
This sign loves cookies, candy, and ice cream. 巨蟹座的人非常钟爱饼干、糖果和冰淇淋。
This sign uses the business name Chinese to manifest the symbol the localization, the culture is pregnant with Canada manifested the zero to away from the cultural dissemination is take the native place culture, the native place market as the important me 该标志采用企业名称的中文来体现标志的本土化,文化寓意深刻、继承中国文化汉字语言表达方式,更加体现了零距离文化传播是一家以本土文化、本土市场为重要传媒的电视广告公司。
This sign warns people of the dangers of swimming too far out. 这个标示牌警告人们游得太远会有危险。
This signal indicated that data are available to an external I/O device that removes the data by strobing the /ACK (acknowledge) input to the port. 选通输出操作与模式0输出操作类似,除了包含用来提供握手的控制信号。
This significantly reduces backpack weight and excess food packaging taken into the backcountry. 这将极大减少带到野外的背包重量和过多的食物包装袋。
This signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens. 这意味着此级别的电影可能对青春期前(十三岁以下)的孩子不适合。
This signifies that the film rated may contain some material parents might not like to expose to their young children - material that will clearly need to be examined or inquired about before children are allowed to attend the film. 这意味着此级别的电影可能含有某些家长不想让儿童看到的内容──在让孩子观看前明显需要检查和了解的内容。
This signpost tells the way to the zoo. 这个路标说明去动物园的道路。

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