In the experiments, the optical output power of the master laser is injected into the slave laser via a circulator.
实验中通过一个环形器,将主激光器的输出光注入到从激光器。 |
In the experiments, the primary shape is successfully optimized so as to make the hydraulic parameters better, the problems of lateral short inlet/outlet of pumped-storage plant in which water flow is asymmetric and head loss is too great are all resolved
对原设计体型成功进行了优化,使各项水力参数达到比较理想的效果,解决了抽水蓄能电站侧式短进出水口在出流时流态分布不均匀与水头损失系数偏大的难题。 |
In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy.
在表达情绪时,可能会有着坚定自信及无动于衷之间的不稳定情绪流动。 |
In the extracting room, the frames are lilted out and lowered into an “uncapper” where rotating blades shave away the wax that covers each cell.
在提炼的房间里,这个结构被快速的拿出来并放到一个没有盖的盒子里,旋转式刀片削蜡覆盖每个蜂房。 |
In the extreme political confusion, CHEN Yuan-da proposed his political reform policies so as to purify the political atmosphere.
在匈奴汉国政治秩序极为混乱时,为政治风气的净化、政治改革的推行提出了自己的方案。 |
In the eyes of Chinese audiences, Ms.
在中国观众眼中,宋祖英是东方艺术的闪亮之星。 |
In the eyes of Colombian officials, the aid cut and trade snub in Washington therefore look like a case of punishing success.
在哥伦比亚官方的眼中,华盛顿削减援助和冷落双边贸易的行为,简直就是在为他们的成功而惩罚他们。 |
In the eyes of a lover pockmarks are dimples.
在情人的眼里,麻子也成了可爱的酒窝。 |
In the eyes of its author, this is a major advantage of the project.
从它的作者的眼光来看,这是这个计画的一个主要优势。 |
In the eyes of perfect God, we are all sinners.
在完美的上帝眼中,我们都是罪人。 |
In the eyes of scholars, they read for the imperial examination because if they succeeded they would rise to fame and enjoy mealth and honour.
在一般读书人看来,读书的目的就是为了参加科举考试,因为高中进士就能平步青云,享受荣华富贵。 |