She has a degree in biology.
她有生物学学位。 |
She has a detailed knowledge of this period.
她对这段时期的情况了解地相当详细。 |
She has a dreamy romantic nature.
她爱幻想又多情. |
She has a faint Irish lilt.
她有点爱尔兰口音. |
She has a fair amount of money put by.
她存了不少钱. |
She has a fair complexion.
她有姣好的样貌。 |
She has a few friends in this city.
她在这个城市中有几个朋友。 |
She has a figure that belies her middle age.
她的身材掩藏了她的年纪。 |
She has a firm, no-nonsense attitude towards her staff.
她对下属的态度严肃而认真. |
She has a five figure income.
她有五位数的收入。 |
She has a five-month-old baby.
她有一个五个月的婴儿。 |