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When soils have the same dry density and the same salt, permeability of fine grained saline soils decreases more remarkably than that of the coarse grained saline soils.

When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad. 那些对尼古丁上了瘾的吸烟人,每过一两个小时(体内)缺少尼古丁就会感到难受。
When snow is produced in calm air, the icy particles build themselves into beautiful stellar shapes. 当雪在平静的空气里产生时,冰粒就会变成漂亮的星形。
When so inquired, the recipient should respond truthfully. 对于捐赠人的查询,受赠人应当如实答复。
When so many oughta be ahead of me in line? 当许多人其实应该排在我的前面?
When so mounted, the tendency of sediment to settle in the control ports is practically eliminated. 采用这种安装方式,实际上避免了控制部件上累积沉淀物的倾向。
When soils have the same dry density and the same salt, permeability of fine grained saline soils decreases more remarkably than that of the coarse grained saline soils. 在含盐量相同的情况下,同一种土的渗透系数随着干容重的增大而减小。
When soldering the electrolytic capacitor, the soldering time should never be permitted over 10 seconds, and for 260·C of the soldering temperature. 在焊接电解电容器时,其焊接时间和焊接温度不应超过10秒钟及260摄氏度。
When some chinese idioms are tramslated into English,Their meanings may startle some English readers. 一些汉语成语被翻译长英语后,会使一些英语读者感到很吃惊。
When some mediums with very strong corrosivity are measured,a protective film should be used at the contact point of the medisdum to be measured. 为适应某些特殊介质的耐蚀性,应在与被介质接触处加装保护膜。
When some memories become no longer reliable, then I only dare it to be called the recollection. 当有些记忆变得不再可靠,我才敢把它叫做回忆.
When some people are failing to operate some kinds of tools, others always complain with the words that they are all thumbs. 译文:当人们不会操作某些工具的时候,其他人总是抱怨他们笨手笨脚。

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