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Second, even if it had, no natural gas could produce a state resembling spiritual possession.

Second, deepening mutual trust and expanding trade and economic exchanges. 第二,增强相互信任,扩大经贸往来。
Second, determining compliance processes and updating the cost benefit calculations. 第二,确定依照程序并即时更新成本效益计算。
Second, doesn't the assessment of such threats tend to involve multiple interpretations of shaky evidence? 第二,这类威胁的评估难道不是常常包含着对不可靠证据所做的多种解释吗?
Second, essentially all other aspects of the Standard Model have been well tested, and with such a detailed, interlocking theory it is difficult to change one part (such as the Higgs) without affecting the rest. 其次,基本上标准模型的其他面向都已经通过检验,这个理论已经发展得十分细致且环环相扣,牵一发(例如希格斯场)而动全身。
Second, even if he knew, he doesn't care. 我真的希望他能看到着个帖子,和我好好谈谈。
Second, even if it had, no natural gas could produce a state resembling spiritual possession. 其次,即使曾经有过,也没有任何天然气体可以造成类似灵魂附体的状态。
Second, expanding and deepening bilateral economic cooperation. 第二,拓展和深化双边经济合作。
Second, flexibly make a plan. 第二,好的计划要灵活一点。
Second, form money saving habits while stay away from those that waste money. 二、养成省钱的习惯,远离费钱的东西。
Second, from tanks on the shuttle. 第二,是从航天飞机上的罐子里获得氧气。
Second, government is a legislative. 第二,政府是个立法机构。

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