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Isoleucine A nonpolar AMINO ACID, synthesized from threonine.

Isolation and purification of dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpene in Celastrus angulatus was preformed with normal-phase and reserve-phase high performance liquid chromatography and detected with TLC and HPLC. 摘要为了优化苦皮藤中二氢沉香呋喃倍半萜类化合物分离纯化的方法,应用正相及反相高压制备柱层析相结合的方法进行分离纯化,以TLC及HPLC确定制备流动相条件并跟踪检测其分离效果。
Isolation means, in future, death and ruin of the country. 闭关锁国意味着一个国家将会死亡和毁灭。
Isolation of hospitalized patients with HIV infection is unnecessary, except when their complicating infections (e.g., suspected or proven TB) are communicable. 没必要隔离感染HIV的住院病人,除非他们得有传染性并发感染(如怀疑或证实有结核)。
Isolation-play is not interesting basketball. “隔离”的打法不是有趣的篮球。
Isolationism, with its heyday in the 1930s, is a stalwart political force in American history that waged remarkable influence on US diplomatic policies. 摘要孤立主义是美国历史上一股非常顽强的政治势力,对美国外交政策影响甚大。
Isoleucine A nonpolar AMINO ACID, synthesized from threonine. 异亮氨酸:是一种非极性氨基酸,由苏氨酸合成。
Isomerase An enzyme that catalyzed the conversion of molecule from one isomeric form to another. 异构酶:是能够催化底物分子进行结构转化的酶。
Isoperimetric inequality for sphere and ellipsoid is discussed, and the isoperimetric inequality of some region satisfying certain conditions is given. 摘要讨论球面和椭球面上的等周不等式,并给出了球面与椭球面上满足一定条件的区域的等周不等式。
Isoproterenol, adenosine, nitroglycerin and edrophonium are common agents employed. 异丙肾上腺素、腺苷、硝酸甘油和滕喜隆是最常使用的药物。
Isotonic Designating a solution with an osmotic pressure or concentration equal to that of a specified other solution, usually taken to be within a cell. 等渗的:指与特定溶液浓度相等的或是渗透压相同的溶液,通常存在于细胞中。
Isotopes are different varieties of the same element, which have identical chemical properties but differ in atomic weight. 同位素是同一元素的不同种类,它们有着相同的化学特性但是原子重量不同。

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