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He did not cause just a ripple; His impact was like a tidal wave that circled the globe from the moment He came on the scene.

He did not attend the dinner; his plea was that he was too busy to come. 他没有参加那次宴会,借口是他太忙不能来。
He did not attend the inauguration of he next President, Thomas Jefferson. 他没有参加下任总统托马斯·杰弗逊的就职典礼。
He did not bestow one thought on his dead father. 他想都没有想过,他过世的父亲。
He did not bother to tell Gretal about what their stepmother was planning because he did not want to scare her. 他没有多费工夫去告诉葛蕾朵有关继母的诡计,因为他不想让她感到害怕。
He did not call me back. The fact is that he did not even read my letter. (他没有把电话打回来,事实上,他根本就没有读我的信。)
He did not cause just a ripple; His impact was like a tidal wave that circled the globe from the moment He came on the scene. 他不是单单激起一个小波浪而已,他在世上的影响好像潮起的巨浪席卷了整个地球。
He did not come until the meeting was over. 原意:他一直未来,直到会结束才来。
He did not compromise in the least on this matter. 在这件事上, 他一点也不妥协。
He did not conclude that Anna had misunderstood. 他没法断定安娜是否存在误解。
He did not deign to an answer. 他不屑置答。
He did not die right away. He lingered for several months. By the time he died, there was little flesh left on his bones. 他没有马上死去,而是拖了几个月。在他死的时候,骨头上已经几乎没剩什么肉了。

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