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As Guan Gang said, Today, no losers.All club members will continue to service clubs and make great efforts for the better development.

As Google and PayPal compete to make the checkout less cumbersome, shoppers will find it easier to complete their purchases. 由于谷歌和贝宝争先恐后地简化付款手续,买家会发现完成交易越来越容易。
As Govinda's lips touched Siddhartha's forehead, he lost sight of his friend's face. 当葛文达的嘴唇碰触到悉达多的额头时,他忽然看不见朋友的面容了。
As Grandma made Frank a delicious lunch of squash pan cakes and home made apple sauce, she told him the story about the swarm of bees. 奶奶给他做了一顿香喷喷的午饭,有南瓜饼,有自制的苹果酱,她还把蜜蜂的故事告诉了法兰克。
As Granndma made Frank a delicious lunch of squash pan cakes and home made apple sauce, she told him the story about the swam of bees. 奶奶给他做了一顿香喷喷的午饭,有南瓜饼,有自制的苹果酱,她还把蜜蜂的故事告诉了法兰克。
As Grid technology develops, it will permit maximum use of the Internet by enabling businesses of all sizes to share resources such as processing power and databases in secure, seamless, transparent and flexible ways. 随着网格技术的发展,在允许对互联网最大用途下,它将使所有大小企业在一个无缝的,透明的和灵活的方式下分享到例如处理能力和数据库这样的资源。
As Guan Gang said, Today, no losers.All club members will continue to service clubs and make great efforts for the better development. 正如管刚所说,“今天没有失败者”。所有俱乐部成员将一如既往地为俱乐部服务,为俱乐部的更好发展而努力。
As HBN program has promoted, there are several factors contributing to healthy lifestyle: like Exercise regularly, Healthy Eating, Weight Control, Reducing Cholesterol Level, Handling Stress, Quit Smoking, and Watch the Alcohol, etc. 正如健康数字项目所倡导的,健康的生活方式包括:适当的运动,良好的饮食习惯,控制体重,降低胆固醇水平,能应对各方面压力的良好的心理调节能力,戒烟,饮酒适度等等。
As Hank neared the old dog's cage, he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he'd remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers. 在汉克走近老狗的窝时,他抓住狗屋的钢丝网,停下站稳,随即感受到了一年来的头一次抚慰,一只湿润的鼻子正在蹭他那患有关节炎的手指。
As Haplo's doubts about his master grow ever deeper, he must decide whether to obey the Lord of the Nexus or betray the powerful Patryn...and endeavor to bring peace to the universe. 当哈普罗对他的君主怀疑日渐加深,他必须决定是要尊从幽联界之王或是要背叛这位强大的派崔恩人…且努力将和平带到宇宙中。
As Harrington's godmother was Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was famous for taking a bath every month, whether she need to or not,the idea might have been expected to finally 1)catch on. 由于哈灵顿的教母就是英国女王伊莉莎白一世,而且她又以「不论需要与否,每个月都沐浴一次」著称,所以原应可以预期冲水马桶会因此流行起来。
As Harry Potter's sidekick Hermione Granger, she plays the perfect pupil with a butter-wouldn't-melt smile. 哈利·波特的密友赫敏·格兰杰小姐在剧中是一位总是带着娴静微笑的完美女生。

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