Below are a few of many reasons why RCEF and SVRS collaborate closely.
以下是大学生支农组织与乡村教育促进会两组织紧密合作的一些原因。 |
Below are a few of the key mistakes commonly found in business plans for startup companies.
以下是在刚起步的公司商业计划书里的一些常见的主要错误。 |
Below are binary representations of characters in extended ASCII code.
扩展的ASCII码用八个位(或说一比特)来表示输入的字符。 |
Below are downloadable sets of lecture notes and bibliographical references for readings used in conjunction with lectures.
以下为与本课程相关之可下载的课堂讲稿与参考书目。 |
Below are instructions to the students about the final exam.
下面的文字是写给学生、关于期末考的说明。 |
Below are lecture outlines for each of the class sessions.
以下是每节课的讲义大纲。 |
Below are previously administered exams and their answer keys.
下面的是以前安排的测验和答案要点。 |
Below are some notes, questions, cases and commentaries meant to guide the student's reading and to inform class-room discussion.
下面是一些笔记,问题,例子和评论,希望能引导学生阅读和课堂讨论。 |
Below are some of the topics that are specifically addressed during the course, amply illustrated with case histories and supported by interactivity, role playing, peer reviews and the Lecturers' combined vast business experience.
下面是这门课程的核心课题,主要以案史重演的方式进行详细阐述,辅以互动,角色扮演,同伴评议并结合讲师传授自身丰富商务经验的教学方式。 |
Below are some photos to show how the day went.
下面这些图片是全天的活动过程的体现。 |
Below are some sample student projects.
以下是一些学生专题的範例。 |