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The Insured Person suffering from any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity which existed prior to inception of this policy.

The Institute of Sanitary Assessment on Construction is constituted by the pre-assessment units in the Department of Food Hygiene and the Department of Environmental Hygiene of Beijing Municipal Center for Hygiene and Anti-epidemic Control and Beijing Ins 建设项目卫生评价所(简称预评价所)是在原北京市卫生防疫站食品卫生科、环境卫生科内设的预评价组及原北京市职业病与劳动卫生研究所的基础上组建而成的,现有工作人员均为从事此项工作多年的卫生技术和工程技术人员。
The Institute of Toxicology is constituted by department of Toxicology of Beijing Municipal Hygienic &Anti-epidemic Control and Beijing Center of Toxicity Identification &Detection of Chemical Substances. 卫生毒理所由原北京市卫生防疫站毒理科和原北京市职业病与劳动卫生研究所毒检中心组成。
The Institute was able to hold three plenary sessions and nine breakout sessions. 扶轮研习会能主办三个全体会议和九个分组会议。
The Institution is the combination of different norms and regulations while institutional ethics is a kind of institutional arrangement of a series of norms and regulations made by coordinating the moralization of institutions and the institutionalization 制度是规则的集合,制度伦理则是制度的道德性与道德的制度化相协调的一系列规範和规则的制度安排。
The Insured Person engaging in professional sports, hunting, mountaineering necessitating ropes or guides, skiing, water skiing, winter sports, diving, racing of any kind or fighting or insanity or being under influence of drugs, alcohol , intoxication an 参与专业运动,打猎、攀山(指需要利用绳索或诱导绳为辅助工作者)、滑雪、滑水、冬季运动、潜水、参加各种竞赛、殴斗、神经错乱,或因酗酒,吸毒或滥用药物。
The Insured Person suffering from any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity which existed prior to inception of this policy. 被保险人因本身存在的缺陷或病症,而此缺陷或病症在保单有效前已存在。
The Insured Person willfully exposing himself to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life) or the Insured Person committing or attempting to commit suicide or self-injury or any criminal or felonious act. 被保险人自愿招惹不必要之危险(欲拯救他人之生命者除外)、自杀、自加伤害,或因触犯刑章的不法行为。
The Insured involves in mining, lumbering, building, transporting, waterborne, aloft, or other similar occupational activities. 被保险人涉及采矿业、森林砍伐业、建筑工程业、运输业、水上作业、高空作业之类职业活动。
The Insured may ask the Insurer to issue a separate policy for any one risk declared. 投保方有权要求保险方对申报的每一笔保险,出具单独的保险单。
The Insured shall take all practicable safety measures to prevent accidents from happening while the insured building is undergoing the aforesaid process. 被保险人应采取一切安全措施以防止在维修或装修过程中发生意外。
The Integrating Modelling Toolkit (IMT) is a generic, comprehensive, and extensible set of abstractions allowing definition and use of interoperable XML-specified model components. 是一个通用的、广泛的、可扩展的抽象,可以定义和使用互操作的用XML说明的模型组件。

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