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Fig. 1-17 Cross sections of leg showing line of approach for removal of whole fibular transplants or tibial grafts.

Fig 3 Through anterior and posterior combined approach, the rumor was curettaged and give regional chemotherapy and a simple allograft. 图3:左骶髂关节部仅给予简单的自体骨移植,一枚螺钉固定,愈合良好。
Fig or bugs or mud crabs. 无花果或小虫(海鲜)或锯缘青蟹。
Fig. 1 The pga22 phenotype. The pga22 mutant seedlings were grown in the absence (far left) or presence of increasing concentrations of estradiol (second from the left to far right). 在逐渐增加雌激素诱导剂浓度后(从左侧第二株至第六株),突变表型逐渐增强。
Fig. 1-1 A, Straight (rectangular) tourniquets fit optimally on cylindrical limbs. B, Curved tourniquets best fit conical limbs. (From Pedowitz RA, Gershuni DH, Botte MJ, et al: Clin Orthop 287:237, 1993. 图1-1A直(长方形)止血带最适合用于柱状的肢体。B弧形止血带适用于圆锥形的肢体。
Fig. 1-1 illustrates the function of a computer system. 图1-1所示为计算机系统的功能。
Fig. 1-17 Cross sections of leg showing line of approach for removal of whole fibular transplants or tibial grafts. 图1-17显示取整体腓骨植骨块或胫骨植骨块时手术切口入路的小腿横断面。
Fig. 1-23 Defect in ilium after large graft was removed. 图1-23髂骨大块取骨遗留的缺损。
Fig. 1-29 Anterior approach to ankle joint. Extensor hallucis longus and tibialis anterior tendons, along with neurovascular bundle, are retracted medially. Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle are retracted laterally. 图1-29踝关节前入路。拇趾长伸肌腱和胫骨前肌腱与神经血管束一起向内侧牵开,趾长伸肌腱牵向外侧。
Fig. 1-43 Median septum separating two posterior compartments of knee. Note fenestrum at proximal pole. Synovial septum invests cruciate ligaments and contains branch of middle genicular artery. 图1-43中隔将膝关节后部分成两个腔室,注意隔膜近端的卵圆孔,滑膜中隔包裹交叉韧带及膝中动脉的分支。
Fig. 1-57 Anterolateral approach to femur. A, Skin incision. B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. 图1-57股骨前外侧手术入路。A皮肤切口;B分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。
Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on fruit rot development of guava inoculated with Botryodiplodia theobromae after 7 days of incubation. 图三、温度对四种病原所引起的番石榴果腐病病势进展之影响。

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