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The protest quickly turned violent as the two groups threw lit sticks of dynamite towards their trade at each other.

The proteins and bhytic acid are present in crystalline form in the dormant seed. 这些蛋白和植酸在休眠的种子中以晶体的形式存在。
The proteins and polysaccharides attach to the skin to provide a protective shield, while proteins build a barrier against acids and bases. 它里面含有的蛋白质以及多糖黏附在皮肤上可以为其提供保护膜,而且蛋白质可以作为抗酸碱的屏障。
The proteins are to be extracted for use as an anti-diarrhea medicine and might be added to health foods such as yogurt and granola bars. 萃取这种蛋白质,是用来当抗痢疾药,也可能添加到优格及格兰诺拉燕麦卷等健康食品中。
The proteins come in several varieties, and separate strains sport different mixes of proteins. 这些蛋白有好几种变化型,不同品系的病毒带有不同的蛋白组合。
The proteins they make can enter the cisternae for transport to other parts of the cell or for secretion via the GOLGI APPARATUS. 此处产生的蛋白质可以直接进入扁平囊进行修饰而后输送到细胞的其他部位,或送到高尔基体进一步加工再被分泌。
The protest quickly turned violent as the two groups threw lit sticks of dynamite towards their trade at each other. 但是随着双方开始向对方投掷点燃的炸药后,抗议很快转变成了一场暴力事件。
The protesters are gathered to against the draft bill whose aim is to slow down the speed of economy growthing. 反对者聚集起来抗议为降低经济发展速度而提出的草案.
The protesters calculated that the authorities, anxious not to tarnish China's image in front of the Soviet president, Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as the world's media, would leave them alone. 抗议者是这样算计的:不愿在苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫和全世界的传媒面前丢脸的政府当局会听任自己的行动。
The protesters criticized the company for only trying to make a fast buck and not caring about the environment. 抗议群众批评该公司只顾着轻松赚钱,却不关心环境。
The protesters have warned they will continue the strike until their request is considered. 示威者已警告他们将继续罢工直到他们的要求得到考虑。
The protesters sang the Chinese national anthem as they marched. 游行队伍高唱中国国歌。

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