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Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous.

Being a deformation measurement with high resolution, borehole tiltmeters should be installed far away from disturbance sources as far as possible. 摘要作爲一种高精度的形变观测,钻孔倾斜观测点必须尽可能避开干扰源。
Being a developing country, China should bring its strengths into full play and take vigorous actions so as to hold a dominant position in the outsourcing competition and win greater profit. 我国作为发展中国家应充分发挥自身优势并积极寻找对策,才能在外包竞争中占据优势,获取更大利益。
Being a division of Jordan Industries Inc., a leading diversified private investment company in North America, DEFLECTO, the inventor of heat register air deflector, takes leverage of the manufacturing capability of its affiliated company – Sate-lite in C 作为北美著名乔丹工业集团的子公司,迪多公司是空气导流器的发明者,并凭着其附属公司-赛特莱特(佛山)于中国的生产设施,拓展亚洲市场。
Being a doer or taking part in something you feel is important will lead to meeting someone of distinction. 金牛座:做一个实干家或者参与一些你觉得很重要的事情,这些都可以让你遇到与众不同的人。
Being a dreamer but not living in a dream world. 要有梦想,但是不能生活在梦的世界里。
Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。
Being a foreigner, he did not catch on to the joke. 作为一个外国人,他摸不透这笑话的含义。
Being a frequent flyer, Bill earns benefits based on mileage of flights taken since he became a salesman 15 years ago. 从15年前比尔开始做推销员起,他就经常坐飞机来往各地,也因此而享受优惠。
Being a generalist isn't a bad thing, but being a generalist without any discernible specialized skills, abilities, or talents isn't a great thing, either. 作一个多面手不是坏事,但没作为有任何突出的专门技能或才干的多面手却也不是什么好事。
Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. 做一个好的听者不仅仅意味着“用耳朵听”。
Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears”. 做一名好的倾听着,决不仅仅是“用耳朵听”。

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