Does somebody see you off?
有人送你吗? |
Does someone bathe poorly, but quickly.
那个人洗澡很草率,但却很快速。 |
Does such audience-specific (i.e., intended for Israel as they traveled from Egypt to Canaan) revelation call into question the historicity of the actual events?
这种针对特定听众启示(如是为那些出埃及进迦南的以色列人所写)会导致人们质疑事件的历史真实性吗? |
Does technology pose a threat to the purity Chinese language?
科技发展威胁到了汉语的“纯度”? |
Does that artist take commissions?
那个画家接受委托吗? |
Does that house belong to you?
那座房子是你的吗? |
Does that include gas and electricity?
房租包括电费和煤气费吗? |
Does that include gas, electricity and heat?
包括煤气,电和暖气费吗? |
Does that include service charge and tax?
包含服务费和税吗? |
Does that include utilities?
那(笔租金)里面包含公用设施费用吗? |
Does that make any sence?
这样清楚了吗? |