Here goes the video for past Blizzard stuff.
现在开始播放暴雪以前游戏的视频。 |
Here great, have their own good funerals.
这里很大,有自己不错的帖子。 |
Here grow many fine fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms, longans, litchis, bamboo shoots, pomelos, peaches, persimmons as well as famous and unique seafood like yellow croakers, rockfish, paired shrimps, oyster and Erdu blook clams.
境内盛产食用菌、龙眼、荔枝、笋、柚、桃、柿等果蔬佳品和大黄鱼、石斑鱼、对虾、牡蛎、二都蚶等名优特海产品。 |
Here grow various woody plants, summing into 907 species (including infraspecific taxon) belonging to 281 genera and 103 families.
其中中国植物特有属20属,白龙江土著特有种25个。 |
Here he was referring to two different world outlooks.
这里他所说的是两种不同的宇宙观。 |
Here id a registered letter for you.
这儿有你一封挂号信。 |
Here if ever was a man all of a piece.
要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。 |
Here in Australia, water shortages have prompted special measures like hosepipe bans, as well as plans for desalination plants and the use of recycled raw sewage.
在澳大利亚这儿,针对水短缺已采取了例如禁止水龙软管,种植脱盐植物,以及使用未加工污水的特殊措施。 |
Here in Houston, it was a scorching 99° today.
休斯敦今天的温度是99华氏度(=37摄氏度),好热的! |
Here in Shandong province, the history and culture are not inanimate articles printed on pages of books but vivid life to be observed and experienced anywhere anytime.
在这里,历史和文化不是写在书页上的枯燥文字,而是随处可见、触手可及的生活现实。 |
Here in dark night sits the man who measured the mountains in the moon;he who forced his way out into the endless space aoming stars and planets;he ,the mighty man who undrstood the spirit of nature,and felt the earth moving beneath his feet-Galileo.
在这黑夜里坐着一个人,正是他称量月球上的群山,正是他把视野投向那无边无际的太空星辰,正是这位坚强的男子深谙大自然的奥义、他深信这颗地球运行他――伽利略的足下。 |