Many of them couldn't get along upon their wages.
他们中间很多人那时不能靠工资过活。 |
Many of them did not primarily seek wealth, but usefulness to God.
他们当中许多人主要不是追求致富,而是使钱财为神所用。 |
Many of them did so at the risk of their lives.
加纳内斯的居民在巨龙的统治下,流血都几乎成为白色的了。 |
Many of them have lumens containing bluish mucin.
很多腺体有含有兰色黏液的腺腔。 |
Many of them have never been in Yellowstone Park or Glacier Park.
他们中的多数都没有去过黄石公园或者冰河公园。 |
Many of them have what might be called a short fuse.
许多美国人可以说是脾气急躁的。 |
Many of them praise the relief efforts at huge shelters set up by federal and state officials, but they express dismay over the continuing anarchy in the city they left behind.
很多人赞扬联邦政府和州政府官员在大型庇护所中做出的救援努力,不过他们对新奥尔良的无政府状况表示震惊。 |
Many of them said, He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?
20内中有好些人说,他是被鬼附着,而且疯了。为什么听他呢? |
Many of them smoothed their clothes and applied make-up; others brushed their hair.
有些正在整理衣服,有些在化妆,还有些梳着头。 |
Many of them were buried in mass graves.
许多人被掩埋在大规模墓地中。 |
Many of them will be back, some with a familiar aspect and “philosophy”, others with a bunch of surprises up their sleeves!
大部分的种族会被保留,其中一部分遵循了旧有形式,而另一部分则会有令人惊讶的改变。 |