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Shallow-water classes use kickboards and buoys for the post-aerobics toning,said aquatic aerobics instructor Sherrie Rheingans. Deep-water classes have ... belts and hand weights.

Shall I not punish these people, declares the Lord, And on a nation such as this Shall I not avenge Myself? 耶5:9耶和华说、我岂不因这些事讨罪呢.岂不报复这样的国民呢。
Shall a multitude of words go unanswered, And a talkative man be acquitted? 伯11:2这许多的言语、岂不该回答麽.多嘴多舌的人、岂可称为义麽。
Shall we assume that you have invited me into your sitting room? “我们能不能假设,你们已经邀请我进入你们家的客厅了?”
Shall we bet on it?said the Englishmen. We have gold by the barrel! A hundred pounds sterling to a hundred-pound weight? “让我们来打个赌好不好,”两个英国人同时说,“我们跟你打赌一桶金币,再加一袋银币。”
Shall we pay or shall we not pay?But He, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to look at. 可12:15我们该纳不该纳。耶稣知道他们的假意、就对他们说、你们为甚麽试探我.拿一个银钱来给我看。
Shallow-water classes use kickboards and buoys for the post-aerobics toning,said aquatic aerobics instructor Sherrie Rheingans. Deep-water classes have ... belts and hand weights. 「浅水课程使用浮板和游泳圈进行有氧运动之后的肌力锻链,」水中有氧老师谢丽瑞根斯说:「深水课程则有…漂浮用水带和手持式重量训练器材。」
Shapeshiftingwill no longer remove the Rotting Putrescencecreature debuff. 变形不再移除生物的×××减益效果.
Sharpen the arrows, take up the shields! 11你们要磨尖了箭头,抓住盾牌。
She adopted a baby from Cambodia and Cambodia is not China. This joke is more of a reference to yuppie couples in Brentwood (Los Angeles) and that kind of thing. “她是从柬埔寨而不是从中国收养的孩子。电影中的玩笑更多的是在针对那些生活在洛杉矶的雅皮士夫妇们和他们的收养行为。”
She can touch your lobes but never your latinum. 教条40-她可以碰你的耳垂,但决不可碰你的拉帝锭。
She cried a little, that's all. “哭了几声就完了。

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