Each technical parameter of input and output terminals of telecom power supplies must be tested by proper M &T instruments,ensure them comply with the relevant standards and criteria so as to the normal operation of the communication networks.
为了通信网络的正常运行,必须运用适当的检测设备,对通信电源的输入和输出各项技术指标进行测试,以保证其符合有关的标准和技术规范。 |
Each template contains rules to apply when a specified node is matched.
当与指定的节点匹配时,每个模板都包含了应用规则。 |
Each term our professors would write out a list of books for us to read.
教授给每组同学写出了一个书名单,让我们去阅读。 |
Each thing that we do adds a new dimension to our personality.
我们做的每件事都会提升我们的人格魅力。 |
Each thing, just by looking at it, aroused in me an irresistible longing to write so I would not die.
每个事物,仅仅是看着它,就唤起了我不可抗拒的写作渴望,惟有这样我才不会死。 |
Each tick of the clock was bringing the fatal hour nearer.
随着时钟的每一个滴答声,关键的时刻越来越近了。 |
Each time I died, I found different places in hell.
每一次我死亡,我都在地狱见到了不同的地方。 |
Each time I do this, I rediscover that what I have been given is far beyond monetary value.
每次这样做的时候,我都发现我所收获的远远不止金钱的价值。 |
Each time I have done so to discuss with you some mater that I believe affected the national interest.
每次我都这样地与你们讨论那些我认为影响到国家利益的事宜。 |
Each time I see a mad dog in the street, I'll come up and kick it away.
每次在街上遇到疯狗,我就会挺身而出把疯狗赶跑。 |
Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform a Derivative Work, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.
当您每一次散布、公开传输,或以数位型态公开演出或公开上映本著作之衍生著作,授权人以相同于本契约所授与您之条款及条件,对接受者提出原著作之授权条款要约。 |