Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.
5不要倚赖邻舍。不要信靠密友。要守住你的口,不要向你怀中的妻题说。 |
Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this!
亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划! |
Trust your gut; it is the center of your universe.
相信自我,它是你生活的中心。 |
Trust your hopes and not your fears.
要信赖你的盼望,不要信赖你的恐惧。 |
Trust your innermost feelings, whether you hear then as a little voice or a flash of inspiration.
相信你内在的感觉,不管你听到的是很小的声音,或是突如其来的灵感。 |
Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.
相信你的直觉,按你自已认为对的去做。 |
Trust-Chem is developing with opening China. Insist on trust for ever, we welcome friends all over the world to work together and chase our bright future.
信诚化工随着开放的中国一同发展,诚信将一如既往,我们热忱欢迎广大国内外朋友的指导与合作,共筑美好的明天。 |
Trusted servants turn on them; carjackers and thieves line up outside their gate.
信赖的仆人告发了他们,劫车贼和小偷成群结队地后在门外。 |
Trusted, Fast, Reliable Service Provider, Your best business partner.
为你提供可靠、快捷、稳定的服务,是你的最佳商业伙伴。 |
Trusting is the absolute key.
绝对的信任是关键。 |
Trusts differ from wills in that they are actual legal entities.
信托有别于遗嘱,它实际上是一个法律实体。 |