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Don't worry about formality at my parents' house-it's always very free and easy there.

Don't worry about Mary, she'll soon come round. 别担心玛丽, 她很快就会改变主意的。
Don't worry about Mother. She will come round in the end. 别担心母亲的态度,她最终会改变的。
Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor. 不要替我操心床铺的事。我就睡在地板上好了。
Don't worry about any new words. 不要为生词担忧。
Don't worry about finding your soul mate - he'll come to you naturally. 当你找到合适的对象时,你应该慢慢来,不要让事情变得太过物欲化。
Don't worry about formality at my parents' house-it's always very free and easy there. 在我父母家不必讲究礼节-那里总是个无拘无束的地方。
Don't worry about giving me the change; it's small beer anyway. 不要为给我找头而烦恼,那是微不足道的事情。
Don't worry about him or feel sorry for him. 五、别担心他,也不要对他表示抱歉。
Don't worry about him,he's getting along all right. 别为他操心了,他现在过的挺不错的。
Don't worry about him. He is as fit as a fiddle. 别为他担心,他非常健康。
Don't worry about him; he is a cheerful and elastic man. 别为他担心;他是个快活开朗的人。

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