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The knocking brick of success is sincere smile.

The knives go in this drawer. 刀子放在这个抽屉里。
The knives have rightly been out for Mr Rumsfeld for years. “倒拉”呼声近年来不绝于耳。
The knob broke off when he gave it a sudden wrench. 当他突然扭了一下球形把手,它便断了。
The knock-on effect to other ports, initially to Indonesia and then to Richards Bay, has not helped the situation . 从印尼到理查德湾发生了一系列连锁反映都不利于局势的扭转。
The knockback fits a pattern of Beijing retaliating against US rejections of, and complaints about, the quality and standards of a range of Chinese goods in recent months. 此次退货符合中国政府对美国的报复模式,过去数月中,美方曾以质量和安全标准为由退回一系列中国产品。
The knocking brick of success is sincere smile. 真诚的微笑是成功的敲门砖。
The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo. 这个结系得那麽紧, 根本解不开.
The knower, knowledge and the field of knowledge become one, just as the crystal takes to itself the colors of that which is reflected in it. 真知者的实见与证见成为一体,如同水晶以自体所映现不同的颜色道理相同。
The knowledge (or illumination) achieved is sevenfold and is attained progressively. 此觉知(明觉)依七个阶段(七轮)而日渐增进达到圆满。
The knowledge creation, the use and the increment, the resources reasonable use and the disposition, finally all must depend on the knowledge staff's realization, the knowledge staff is enterprise's life fountainhead, is the enterprise core competitive po 知识的创造、利用与增值,资源的合理利用与配置,最终都要靠知识型员工的实现,知识型员工是企业的生命源泉,是企业核心竞争力的根本来源。
The knowledge economy developmental indexes and comprehensive analysis model play the roles of guidance and normalization in promoting the knowledge economy development. 摘要知识经济发展指标及综合分析模型对促进知识经济发展具有引导性和规范性的作用。

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