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The excellent performance of our Chinese students is really encouraging, only 31 teams has dropped out of the competition since the first round and we still have the most number of teams participating (183) in the competition by round 4.

The excellence of Xue's Regulations of Records lies at putting up a terminology and the annotations in norms. 薛三省的《实录条例》高明之处,在于术语的提出,且有规範性文字解释。
The excellency of hogs is fatne ,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。
The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。
The excellent art teacher Xu Xukui from Chaozhou Raoping Normal School is demonstrating how to draw. (五)潮州市饶平师范学校优秀美术老师许旭奎示范作画。
The excellent music teacher Li Xuehua from Shenzhen South Lake Primary School is directing a band. (四)深圳市南湖小学优秀音乐老师李雪花指导小乐队。
The excellent performance of our Chinese students is really encouraging, only 31 teams has dropped out of the competition since the first round and we still have the most number of teams participating (183) in the competition by round 4. 中国国内各所高校的出色表现,真的令人鼓舞.中国的队伍从第一轮开始到现在的第四轮还有183支队伍在竞赛中,只有31支队伍被淘汰而不能继续参赛.
The excellent quality of Amway products is a great boon when it comes to sales and sponsoring. 安利优质的产品,更有助我们做零售及推荐时事半功倍。
The excellent quality of coating film based on waterproof two-component polyurethane coating filled with fly ash can be gained when the fineness of fly ash is 300 meshes. 当粉煤灰的细度为300目时能得到性能优良的双组分聚氨酯防水涂料。
The excellent quality of life at the time of the long-term follow-up examination for these patients warrants aggressive but judicious tumor resection, with or without radiosurgical treatment of tumor remnants. 经过长期的随访发现,积极而果断的肿瘤切除,并可选择性辅以术后对残存肿瘤组织的放疗,病人可以获得很好的生存质量。
The excellent results of treatment of varicose thrombophlebitis indicate that compression bandaging with Hirudoid cream may be used for routine prophylaxis of inflammatory reactions and for the improvement of cosmetic results after sclerotherapy of varico 研究结论显示,喜疗妥软膏联合绷带压迫治疗曲张性血栓性静脉炎疗效卓越,可以作为静脉曲张术后的预防炎症反应和促进术后恢复。
The excellent team of Huarongshengda Corp. will build up the core competency centering around industry research and strategic planning, capital operation and industrial consolidation and the enterprise culture that integrates different cultures, promotes 华融盛大的优秀团队会在经营实践中炼就以产业研究与战略规划、资本运作与行业整合为主导的企业核心能力,形成了融合不同文化、崇尚个性与创新、提倡团队合作、不为繁文缛节束缚的企业文化氛围。

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