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The first says China Netcom rightly put a double-dealing Richard Li and a band of suspected asset-strippers in their place; the second, that China Netcom blew it.

The first round starts at …p. m..(4 p. m etc.) on …(Monday October 9,etc.). 第一轮比赛在……(十月九日,星期一)……下午……点(下午4点)开始.
The first round was “man to man” match, the 5 resurgent girls had the right to choose the opponent. 第一轮的比赛是捉对厮杀,自由选择对手的权利交给了5位复活选手.
The first said ″I will build a big house for our mother. 第一个说:“我要给母亲建一所大房子。”
The first said, I built a big house for our mother. 大儿子说:“我给妈妈建了一个很大的房子。”
The first said: No, in reality: in parable you have lost. 甲说:非也,赢在现实;在譬喻中你输了。
The first says China Netcom rightly put a double-dealing Richard Li and a band of suspected asset-strippers in their place; the second, that China Netcom blew it. 第一种是中国网通正当要求玩两面派花招的李泽楷和那帮令人怀疑的资产蛀虫要知趣;第二种是中国网通错过这次收购。
The first says, I'm so tough, once I ate a whole bagful of rat poison! 第一只说:“我太顽强了,有一次我吃下了一整袋老鼠药!”
The first scarab from Phoenicia was made in the 8th century BC (approximately the 23rd dynasty). 第一只圣甲虫来自腓尼基,产生于西元前8世纪(大约是第23王朝)。
The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. 我第一个上的学校是一所国小。
The first school I attended was a primary school. 我第一个上的学校是一所小学。
The first school meal was served in 1889 at a small private school in Yamagata Prefecture for the poor. 首份校园餐是1889年在山形县一所小型私立学校为穷困孩子提供的。

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