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All the workers and staff in Pumpkin Group deeply believe that the group must occupy a position in the global food industry for their progressive operation principle , concerted efforts and perfect sales network for each passing day .

All the work had to be done by hand. 所有的活都得用手工做。
All the work has been done for nothing. 所有的工作都白做了。
All the work is done and you can have a rest. 所有的工作都完成了,你们可以休息了。
All the work under review seems to agree that universalism is a product of relative history and relativism hosts a universalistic logic within the said communitarian boundaries. 摘要二十世纪末期所召开对亚洲价值有关的辩论甚多,其中研讨会的成果在新近发表的有三本,对这个课题有十分新颖而广泛的探讨,值得国内学界重视。
All the work will be published by Chinese Potters Newsletter. 两地作品由《陶艺家通讯》出专册发表。
All the workers and staff in Pumpkin Group deeply believe that the group must occupy a position in the global food industry for their progressive operation principle , concerted efforts and perfect sales network for each passing day . 白瓜籽集团公司的全体同仁深信,凭借集团积极进取的经营方针,凭借集团员工同心协力以及日渐完善的销售网络,白瓜籽集团必将在全球食品行业占一席之地。
All the workers are on strike. 所有的工人都在罢工。
All the workers get free medical care. 所有工人都有公费医疗。
All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them. 全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资。
All the works of bag making measuring, filling, sealing, cutting, photoelectric trace and counting can be done automatically. 自动制袋、计量、下料、封合、分切、计数、光电跟踪等功能。
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination. 人类的所有成就都源于创造性幻想。那么我们没有权利轻视想象力。

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