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Now he had finished it by presenting three seals: one in rectangular shape, and the other two is in the shape of a pair of Dorje and Bell.

Now he began to prepare for bed. 他现在开始准备睡觉。
Now he comes to the souvenir store to buy something typically Chinese to take back home. 现在他来到一家纪念品商店想买一些中国特色的纪念品带回去。
Now he continues to take his Master degree of physical geography in international river center in Asia of Yunnan University. 现于云南大学亚洲国际河流中心攻读自然地理学硕士学位。
Now he felt like he was no more important than an infected wart on a goblin's ass. 现在他觉得自己并不比地精屁股上感染的瘤子重要多少。
Now he felt weightless again and with an ever-so-slight motion of the tail he could move to and fro, up and down, as before. 现在,他重新感觉到身体轻飘飘的,尾巴稍稍一摆,他就能在水里游来游去,游上游下,和从前一样。
Now he had finished it by presenting three seals: one in rectangular shape, and the other two is in the shape of a pair of Dorje and Bell. 现在他以呈现三印完成所托:一个是长方形的,而另外两个则是一对铃杵之形。
Now he had to go through Samaria. 4必须经过撒玛利亚。
Now he has a job in Japan he can gratify his desire to see Hokkaido. 现在他在日本有个工作,可以满足他看看北海道的渴望。
Now he has acquired confidence. 现在他取得信心了。
Now he has his home in Manchester. 他现在定居在曼彻斯特。
Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. 现在他把一个丑陋的石雕头像挂在大门上。

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