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Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.

Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去.
Somehow we've managed to keep a platonic relationship. I know, even though we are both attracted to each other. 不知怎么的,我们一直保持着柏拉图式的关系。我知道,尽管如此,我们仍然还能彼此相互吸引。
Somehow, Bill never got the message. 但比尔没收到留话,两手空空回家。
Somehow, Harry got his Marauder's Map back. 莫名其妙地,哈利又拿回了活点地图。
Somehow, I can't see Hermione confessing to Ginny and founding a miniature Harry Potter fan club. 不知什么缘故,我没有看见赫敏对金妮坦白并创建一个哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部的雏形。
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. 不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。
Somehow, I just don't like to change horses in the middle of the stream. 不知什麽缘故,我就是不喜欢中途换人。
Somehow, a man can take a 50.cal sniper round to the chest WITHOUT DYING. 不知怎的,即使以.50口径的狙击步枪子弹打中敌人胸膛,也无法将对方杀掉!
Somehow, my story had touched them. 不知道为什么,他们好像被我的故事触动了。
Somehow, they mange to put aside their moral misgivings and kiss up to Lee Hsein and Abdullah. 但是,他们决定抛开道德上的疑虑,去拍李显龙和阿卜杜拉(约旦国王)的马屁.
Somehow, when I saw Collins down below my spirits revived. 不知为什么,一看到柯林斯在楼下我的精神就好多了。

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