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After site investigation, status analysis and reference check, we proposed the following program. (1) Establish standards and monitor tools for instruction for nursing total hip replacement patients, including Caring standard, Guidance for nursing instruc

After signing up, the enterprise should remit various exhibition charges to the account number appointed by the convention within ten days. 参展单位在报名后十天内将各项参展费用汇入组委会指定帐户。
After signing with Ding Hong three months, the management of atmosphere had improved obviously, during the half of year, on the basis of the previous year the company's operating achievement have increased 15%, Company system run effectively so far , At p 在该公司与鼎宏公司签约后的三个月,公司的整个公司的管理氛围已得到相应改善,在半年时间内公司的经营业绩比上一年度增长了15%,到此公司制度可有效运转,企业的管理氛围需有明显好转的目标已经达到,现目前该公司已经与鼎宏公司建立了长期伙伴关系。
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. 除了静默,音乐是最能够表示那不能表示的了。
After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 可14:26他们唱了诗、就出来、往橄榄山去。
After singing all night in the tavern, I had a frog in the throat next morning. 在酒馆里唱了一整夜歌,第二天早晨我的嗓子有点嘶哑了。
After site investigation, status analysis and reference check, we proposed the following program. (1) Establish standards and monitor tools for instruction for nursing total hip replacement patients, including Caring standard, Guidance for nursing instruc 经现况调查发现:缺乏髋关节置换术护理指导作业标准,卫教单张内容与现况不符;护理人员对于护理指导内容不了解,其护理指导完整率仅33.75%;护理人员对病人护理指导满意度为2.56分,病人对于护理指导满意度为2.04分。
After six (6) months, Party B may, upon one (1) month advance written notice to Party A, terminate this Tenancy Agreement without any liabilities. 1六(6)个月后,乙方如要退租,应提前一(1)个月书面通知甲方终止本租约。
After six blank home games, there was huge relief when against Portsmouth on Saturday, the striker added a home strike to the ones he scored at Cardiff in the Community Shield and away at MiddleSuper Boyrough. 在连续六场主场比赛空手而归后,舍瓦终于在主场打进一球,这是他在社区盾进球和米堡进球之后的首粒主场进球。
After six blank home games, there was huge relief when against Portsmouth on Saturday, the striker added a home strike to the ones he scored at Cardiff in the Community Shield and away at Middlesbrough. 在6轮主场没有进球后,色娃在周六在主场与朴茨毛斯的比赛中得到了巨大的精神释放;这是继社区盾杯赛后以及对垒米堡后的又1个主场进球。
After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 过了六天,耶稣带着彼得,雅各,和雅各的兄弟约翰,暗暗地上了高山。
After six gamedays in the French league, Lyon command the table at sixteen points with five wins and one draw. 在法甲联赛进行了6轮后,里昂以5胜1平积16分位居榜首。

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