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By refusing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse.

By reason that the structure of filler was fallacious, and flowing state was not accordant with mass transfer mechanism of multiphase hydrodynamics, the popular biological reaction was not in the condition for mass transfer, and the efficiency of mass tra 其主要原因在于填料的结构形式不合理,对流体的流态控制不符合多相流体力学的物系传质机理,使得多相物系之间的传质扩散效率低下。
By reciting Amitabha Buddha's name, buddhist followers believe that they will be born in this Pure Land after their lives on earth. 声声佛号的念诵,如感应著阿弥陀佛,得以无上的法喜,掀开每个念佛人心中的净土。
By recognizing the geologic characteristic of the area to the west of Daqing Placanticline and analyzing the core sample data, this paper indicates that the main factors affecting the log interpretation confirming rate are high mud and calcium content in 在深入认识大庆长垣以西地区地质特征的基础上,通过分析岩心样品资料得出影响该区测井解释符合率的主要因素是储层含泥、含钙量高和孔隙结构复杂、薄层现象普遍等。
By reducing irrigation by 10 percent, we could double the amount available for domestic water worldwide. 藉由减少10%的灌溉,我们可以加倍全世界的国家水源可用量。
By reducing the public's wait for quality generic drugs, we will reduce the cost of prescriptions in this country by more than $3 billion each year. 在缩短大众等待高品质学名药的措施之下,每年可望为国内之处方药降低超过30亿美元的成本。
By refusing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse. 而拒绝讨论安乐死,将预示着更大的灾难。
By registering my child, I agree to abide by the guidelines of the school and pay all fees prior to the enrollment day of summer school. 我的孩子报名参加夏令营活动,我同意遵守学校相关规定和制度,并且在孩子入学前安排付费事宜。
By registering to use this forum you meet the above criteria and agree to abide by all of the above rules and policies. 通过注册使用本论坛,您已经同意遵守以上列出的相关规定以及未列出的附加条款。
By regulating and analyzing the developing venation of Chinese textile in ancient, modern and present time, this essay tries to find out the external and internal factors which affects the development of our textile industry, and put forwards the concepti 摘要通过对中国纺织业发展历程的回顾,分析了影响其发展的内外因素,探讨了新世纪纺织科技创新和发展前景,并对新世纪中国由纺织大国到纺织强国的发展提出了构想。
By regulating the compensation current injecting into the compensation winding of the reactor, the reactor inductance at different harmonic frequencies can be independently and continuously adjusted. 有源电抗器由一对耦合绕组和一个补偿电流发生器组成,通过控制有源电抗器补偿绕组中的谐波磁通补偿电流,可以独立且连续地调节电抗器在不同谐波频率下的电感量。
By relating the story with the hero's life experiences in other short stories written by Hemingway, this paper presents a good understanding of the seemingly questionable and difficult details in Big Two-Hearted River. 笔者结合海明威的其他作品中对该短篇之主人公经历的描述,解析《大双心河》中看似令人费解的细节,试图挖掘其蕴藏于琐碎与晦涩之下的深意。

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