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The dominant allele usually controls the normal form of the gene, while mutations are generally RECESSIVE.

The domicile of a legal or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment. 法人和其他非法人组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所.
The dominance index is often contrary to the diversity index, index of diversification and evenness index in change rules. 优势度指数常常与多样性指数、多样化指数、均匀度指数的变化规律相反。
The dominance of coca cultivation over other local cash crops and the degree to which the harvested leaves are utilized for the U.S. drug trade point to a three-tier regional classification of cultivation areas. 可可种植的优势超过其它当地经济作物,以及收割叶子的程度是用以美国毒品交易从聚集点到一个三层区域的分级耕种区。
The dominance species were different in gaps of different sizes, but were mainly composed of intolerant species. 不同大小级林隙内的优势种不同,以阳性树种占大多数。
The dominanceof tea over coffee in the British Empire canbe traced to the failure of coffee in British Ceylon in the 1870s due to infectionwith leaf blight, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix. 在大英帝国时期,由于感染了由真菌咖啡锈病引起的枯叶病,茶叶的优势超过咖啡可以被追溯到十九世纪七十年代英国在锡兰种植咖啡的失败。
The dominant allele usually controls the normal form of the gene, while mutations are generally RECESSIVE. 显性基因通常控制基因的一般形式,而突变通常是隐性的。
The dominant antioxidant molecule in the lungs, both intracellularly and in the epithelial lung fluid (ELF), is glutathione (GSH)(4). (研究4)指出谷胱甘肽是肺脏里最主要的抗氧化剂分子,同时存在于细胞内及上皮肺液里。
The dominant candidate is nominally nominated for president. 占优势的候选人名义上被任命为总统.
The dominant control object was to control the drying rate on the drying processing of dryer. 主要控制目标为乾燥过程中之乾减率。
The dominant culture group in the United States is British Americans. 在美国处于主导地位的文化群体是英裔美国人。
The dominant hand was tested first, followed by the nondominant hand. 而男性在59岁以前捏力值并没有明显差异,59岁以后则越来越小。

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