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Judicial procedures within this jail were different from those of ordinary law courts; eunuchs often fabricated or suborned the emperor to issue royal edicts for direct arrest and imprisonment, to avoid regular court examination and public knowledge.

Judicial certification of the validity of a will. 遗嘱检验文件遗嘱有效的法律证明文件
Judicial departments are to affix its criminal responsibility according to law if any activities as listed above constitute a crime. 上述行为构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
Judicial notice, which is also known as judicial cognition, is an important rule in civil procedural law as well as a key issue in evidence act. 摘要司法认知,又称为“审判上的知悉”,是民事诉讼法的一项重要制度,也是证据学上一个重要问题。
Judicial organs should definite the action of wash moneyfrom the angle of history, law and economy so as to crack down the financial criminals and maintain the stable finance effectively. 司法部门应该从历史的角度、法律的角度、经济的角度对洗钱行为作出界定,以更好地打击金融犯罪、维护金融稳定。
Judicial precedents show that this Court has the constitutional power and duty to interpret the SFPT, the TRA, the INA, and the Constitution to determine whether their provisions guarantee enforceable rights to Plaintiffs. 司法判例显示本法院具有宪法赋予之权与职责,得以解释旧金山和约、台湾关系法、移民暨归化法和美国宪法,进而决定其条款是否能保障原告的被执行权利。
Judicial procedures within this jail were different from those of ordinary law courts; eunuchs often fabricated or suborned the emperor to issue royal edicts for direct arrest and imprisonment, to avoid regular court examination and public knowledge. 该狱囚犯经历的司法审判程序和其他诏狱有别,多是宦官矫诏或唆使皇帝直接下诏拘捕,以避开外朝官员的审查覆议。
Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, however, noted that the FBI was aware of the abuses as early as 2004. 司法委员会主席约翰.科尼尔斯指出,联邦调查局早在2004年初就意识到存在滥用职权问题。
Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. 明智的表扬之于孩子的作用,就如同阳光之于花朵。
Judith Shapiro, Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Samuel P. Hays, Explorations in Environmental History (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998). 刘翠溶,〈中国历史上关于山林川泽的观念和制度〉,收入曹添旺、赖景昌、杨建成(主编),《经济成长、所得分配与制度演化》(台北:中央研究院中山人文社会科学研究所,1999),页1-42。
Judo mea the gentle wayin Japanese. 柔道在日语中是“柔之道”的意思。
Judo means the gentle wayin Japanese. 柔道在日语中是“柔之道”的意思。

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