During his long and illustrious England career, his ability to remain composed and skilful on the ball saw him win 108 caps, a record only surpassed by Peter Shilton.
在他长而表现优异的国家队生涯中,他的对于球的处理始终沉稳而犀利,他的108次国家队出场也仅次于记录保持者皮特·希尔顿。 |
During his math class ,the boy tried to win over his classmate's heart.
(上数学课时,这男孩想获得同学的欢心。) |
During his meeting with Abbas, Sheikh Khalifa reiterated his country's firmstance in the support of the Palestinian people as well as the PNA led by Abbas.
在同阿巴斯的会谈中,哈里发反复强调他的国家对巴勒斯坦人民和阿巴斯领导的权威机构不变的支持。 |
During his meeting with the guests, Wang Shunsheng praised over 130 Japanese companies' great contributions to Zhuhai's economic development, including a Toshiba funded enterprise which has a promising prospects.
王顺生在会见中表示,日资企业对珠海的经济发展贡献很大,珠海的130多家日资企业发展情况良好,其中东芝公司技资的一家企业也有很好的发展前景。 |
During his politics life, Kissinger spent most of the time in his busy and arduous negotiating works, but he never forgot to have unions with his families at his rest from work.
基辛格从政期间,大部分时间从事繁忙而艰巨的谈判工作,但在工作之余,他也不忘与亲人团聚。 |
During his reign, a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons.
在他统治时期,逐渐建立起超越地方领主法律的普遍法。 |
During his short journey, the toddler stalled the van several times in the middle of the road and a passer-by alerted police.
在这次短暂的“冒险旅行”中,那个男孩曾数次因为机械故障而将车子停在了道路中央,后来一位过路人及时将情况通知了警方。 |
During his short journey, the toddler stalled the vanseveraltimes in the middle of the road and a passer-by alertedpolice. Theboy and the vehicle were returned to his fatherunharmed.
在这次短暂的“冒险旅行”中,那个男孩曾数次因为机械故障而将车子停在了道路中央,后来一位过路人及时将情况通知了警方。目前,小男孩儿以及那辆汽车均已完好无损地回到了他的父亲身边。 |
During his stay in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Chairman of the Central Military Commission Jiang Zemin and Premier Wen Jiabao met with him.
国家主席胡锦涛,中央军委主席江泽民,和总理温家宝在北京会见了切尼总统。 |
During his stay there, Lien helped build an orphanage and collected more than 70,000 articles of clothing for people living in poverty in the country.
他在当地服役期间,除了协助建造孤儿院,也收集七万多件衣物捐给该国穷人。 |
During his tenure of office, he tried his best in cultivation, prohibiting heresy, publicizing filial piety, which brought him a good reputation.
任官期间,以教养为先,禁异端,崇孝弟,兴教化,颇有政绩。 |