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What these people don’t realize is just what choice they are making when they drive without a seat belt wrapped around everyone in the car.

What there is to do will be instantly done. 当做的事立刻要做了。
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 9所以神配合的,人不可分开。
What these figures underline is that China's domestic market is not that interesting. 这些数字突出表明,中国国内市场并非那么有意思。
What these mothers told NBC News echoed what a larger sample of working and stay-at-home moms said nationwide. 这些母亲对NBC新闻所说的正回应了全国范围内接受调查的工作母亲和全职母亲.
What these people are trying to elude is their own souls, or, as we say today, the Unconscious. 这些人设法逃避自己的灵魂,用现代术语来说,就是自己的潜意识。
What these people don’t realize is just what choice they are making when they drive without a seat belt wrapped around everyone in the car. 这些人不知道自己是在做什么选择,只是当他们驾驶无安全带缠人人在车内.
What they all have in common is having fun and experiencing something different. 这些公园所拥有的共同特点是让人们感到快乐与体验不同的东西。
What they all have in common is that they all express their feelings of love . 华美绚丽的服饰道具为整个演出增添光彩。
What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something. 它们的共同点是把娱乐和学习的机会结合在一起。
What they are after is profit. 他们所追求的是利润。
What they are not clear about is why each kind bird has its own way of nesting. 他们不太清楚的是为什么每种鸟都有自己的筑巢方法。

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