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Mortgage REITs deal in investment and ownership of property mortgages.

Mortar teams need to take initiative more than most other players. 与其它炮兵相比迫击炮组要更加主动。
Mortars are also available, which will lob shells high in the air -- this is perfect for battling enemies that are close but behind an emplacement or high terrain. 在游戏中也有迫击炮,可以把炮弹高高的抛向空中--对于和躲在掩体之后的敌人或者在高地的敌人非常好用。
Mortars are high-angle weapons that are relatively short range and can safely be used to drop rounds close to friendly forces (when in the defense, a mortar can hit targets as close as 70-100 meters away from the gun position with ease). 迫击炮是高射角武器,射程相对较短,可以为友军提供安全的近距离支援(在防御战中,一门迫击炮可以轻而易举地打击距离炮身70—100米的目标)。
Morte is a talking skull. 莫提是一个会说话的骷髅头。
Morten Olsen says Germany coach Joachim Low\'s decision to field a second-string team against Denmark \'shows a lack of respect\'. 奥尔森说德国队主教练勒夫决定在与丹麦队的比赛中尽谴二线替补,这显得缺乏应有的尊重.
Mortgage REITs deal in investment and ownership of property mortgages. 抵押类不动产投资信托公司从事房产抵押的投资和所有权的获得。
Mortgage Refinance Calculator - Should I do a Mortgage Refinance? 转按揭计算器-我应该怎样做抵押融资?
Mortgage as used in this Law means that the debtor or a third party secures the creditor's rights with property listed in Article 34 of this Law without transference of its possession. 第三十三条本法所称抵押,是指债务人或者第三人不转移对本法第三十四条所列财产的占有,将该财产作为债权的担保。
Mortgage is a security interest in real property. 按揭是不动产的一种物权担保.
Mortgage of the civil aircraft. (四)民用航空器抵押权。
Mortgage rates are going up again. 抵押借款利率又在上升.

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