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When oxygen in the gas or liquid sample diffuses into the thin-film coating, it quenches the fluorescence.

When out walking with your child, have him observe the numbers of the addresses, such as the even versus odd numbers or to distinguish various different streets to strengthen his observational skills. 和孩子并行于街道上时,可教导孩子辨别门牌号码,分辨哪边是偶数、单数,或辨别道路的特别之处,强化孩子对地形及景观的观察智能。
When outbreaks occur, governments should immediately offer realistic compensation to farmers for birds lost to disease and culling▲. 各国政府在疫情暴发时,应当立即向农民提供相应补偿,以弥补因家禽染病以及大范围扑杀给他们造成的损失。
When overseas travelers visit Chengdu, arrangements are made for them to drink tea and have Chengdu snacks in a teahouse. 海外旅客访问成都时,会被安排到茶馆喝茶,吃成都小吃。
When overweight or obesity becomes normal in a given social circle, people may be more likely to become obese themselves. 换句话说,他说:“我看你变胖了,所以我变胖没问题。”
When ovule orientation is orthotropous the chalaza corresponds to the point where the funicle is attached but in anatropous and campylotropous ovules the chalaza is some distance from the funicle. 当胚珠的方向是直生胚珠时,合点和珠柄连成一条直线,当胚珠是倒生胚珠或弯生胚珠时,合点和珠柄之间有一定的距离。
When oxygen in the gas or liquid sample diffuses into the thin-film coating, it quenches the fluorescence. 当气态或液态中的氧分散进入薄膜涂层时,就淬灭了荧光。
When pain exceeds pain-coping resources, suicidal feelings are the result. 当痛苦超过了可用的因应资源,会想要自杀。
When pain is unremitting, dramatic changes follow: spinal cord neurons become hypersensitive and start firing in response to weak stimuli. 当疼痛持续不消时,会造成显著的变化:脊髓神经元变得极度敏感,对微弱的刺激也产生放电反应。
When paint is new, it is the most impermeable it will ever be, this means it is a very smooth non-porous, continuous film. 当漆面是新的时,它的渗透性很小,也就是说,它很光滑,没有孔,是一个平滑的面。
When painting cast shadows add holes where the light peeks thru, otherwise the shadow will appear pasted on. 当表现投射阴影时将光线扫过的地方加些小洞,不然阴影像是“帖”上去的一样。
When pairs were matched for carotenoid (red), structural (white) and UV-reflective colour patterns, females spent significantly greater amounts of time inspecting a male when he was behind the UV-transmitting partition. 在红光、白光和紫外线光谱的配对环境下,我们发现在紫外线的配对环境下,母鱼会花较多的时间打探公鱼。

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